Cycles & Pattern in the Markets
Euro Fractal Trading System by Cynthia Marcy, Erol Bortucene
Cycles & Pattern in the Markets
There are many types of
business cycles including those that impact the
stock market.
In his book
The Next Great Bubble Boom, Guna, a Harvard graduate and Fortune 100 consultant, outlines several cycles that have specific relevance to the stock market.
[2] Some of these cycles have been quantitatively examined for statistical significance.
The major cycles of the stock market include:
Investment advisor
Mark Hulbert has tracked the long-term performance of
Norman Fosback’s a Seasonality Timing System that combines month-end and holiday-based buy/sell rules. According to Hulbert, this system has been able to outperform the market with significantly less risk.
According to Stan Weinstein there are four stages in a major cycle of stocks, stock sectors or the stock market as a whole. These four stages are (1) consolidation or base building (2) upward advancement (3) culmination (4) decline.