Sacredscience – W.T.Foster – Sunspots and Weather

Sacredscience – W.T.Foster – Sunspots and Weather

Sacredscience – W.T.Foster – Sunspots and Weather

Sacredscience – W.T.Foster – Sunspots and Weather

Price: $25

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One of the absolutely rarest of rare books from the Gann List! This is the FIRST COPY anyone has ever found!!! “Note To Reader: I beg you to examine these pages carefully, and particularly to study the Sun Spot Chart. In them is revealed one of the greatest and most important of modern discoveries, proving that sun spots are controlled by the planets, and strong evidences tending to prove that our weather changes are caused by electro-magnetism generated by planetary movements. Very Respectfully. W. T. Foster” “The sun spot variations that average about 11.1 years have more than one cause. Regarding the planets as magnets and in accord with well-known laws of electro-magnetism, when the planets are nearest the sun the cloud elements of the Sun expand and cover the sun spots. Rapid motion increases electro-magnetic forces, and when the planets are approaching, or receding from the Sun with greatest velocities the sun spots are increased in size and number. An electro-magnetic force is thrown off from a rotating planet over its equator, disturbing the Sun or another planet that may come into that plane.” Contents: Explanations; Sun Spot Forecasts Demonstrated; Charts – Forecast Line, Sunspot Line; Sun Spots & Weather; Nature of Sun Spots; Causes Of, And How To Forecast, The Time & Heliographic Places Forecasting the Wolfer Sun Spot Numbers; Methods of Forecasting – 8 Rules; Jupiter’s Sun Spot Table; Saturn’s Sun Spot Table; Sun Spot Table of Uranus; Reduced Wolfer Sun Spots 1747-1906; Sun Spot Forecasts 1749-1918.

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