Anabolic Body Recomposition by Alain Gonzalez
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Anabolic Body Recomposition
Phase 3 Workout Guide
Legal Disclaimer
All the information presented in “Anabolic Body Recomposition” is foreducational and resource purposes only. It is not a substitute for or an addition to anyadvice given to you by your physician or health care provider.Consult your physician before making any changes to your lifestyle, diet, or exercisehabits. You are solely responsible for the way information in “Anabolic BodyRecomposition” is perceived and utilized and so, you do so at your own risk.In no way will Alain Gonzalez or any persons associated with “Anabolic BodyRecomposition” be held responsible for any injuries or problems that may occur dueto the use of this book or the advice contained within.
Personal Disclaimer
We are not doctors, nor do we possess a degree in nutrition. The advice we give is based on years of practical application, dealing with the needs of our own health and physiques as well as the needs of others. Any recommendations we may make to youregarding diet, including, supplements and herbal or nutritional treatments must bediscussed between you and your doctor/s.
Muscle-Building Disclaimer
Required Legal Disclaimer: Due to recent laws from the FTC, it is required that allcompanies identify what a “typical” result is. The truth is that most people never doanything when it comes to trying building muscle. They might buy a million products, including this one, but never do anything with the information they have inhand. The testimonials that you saw were of people who took action, followed ahealthy lifestyle, exercised, and ate a balanced nutritional diet. If you want resultslike them, you should do this too.
Warming Up
Warming up before an intense training session is critical, but not complicated. In thecase of this program, the warm up should fit the workout. Because we are weighttraining, then we must utilize a warm up method that will prepare the body for thisspecific activity.
The Proper Role of the Warm-up:
To prepare the body for the working sets, not tointerfere with them.
Why Warm Up?
Warming up is both muscular and neuromuscular. It elevates the temperature of themuscles and tissues thus making them more flexible (better range of motion) and losssusceptible to injury. It is also going to improve the muscular contractile propertiesand allow you to practice the movement pattern that you are about to train.
How should I warm up?
Start off with a simple 5 minutes of aerobic exercise such as exercise bike orrower.
Go straight to the exercise you are starting off with. Perform this exercise about 3-5 times with an empty bar using a full range of motion. A basic rep range of 8-10would be ideal.
Slowly add weight to the bar in even increments until you are ready to handle thework set.
Once you start to add weight, warm-up reps can be tapered down to save gasfor the working sets.
What is a de-load?
It is a planned reduction in volume and/or intensity, usually forone cycle of your training split, whose purpose is to allow the body to dissipateaccumulated fatigue, allow a full recovery, and prepare you for further gains. Also,remember that weight training does not just tax your muscles. It also puts stress onyour joints, ligaments, connective tissues, and central nervous system.
What if I don’t de-load?
For those trainees who feel that they want to (try) go 100% at the gym, all the time,they will soon realize that this is not possible. Not implementing a de-load into yourtraining is, in my opinion, the main reason why intermediate lifters find it so hard toincrease performance in the gym. This is why most trainees at the intermediate levelare probably fluctuating between 10-20 pounds (up and down) with any given lift.And if they do happen to lift heavier than that 20 lbs threshold, they don’t sustain itconsistently and thus it becomes worthless.Although this program has laid out a regular de-load schedule you’re the trainee, Istill think it is worth mentioning the signs you may notice when a reduction inintensity and/or volume is needed.
A regularly scheduled de-load should come before you start to experience anyof these symptoms. If while following this program you experience any of the abovesymptoms before the scheduled de-load, I recommend that you commence your de-load immediately.
How should I de-load?
In this program, the de-load is very simple. You will simply perform the sameworkout routine, only you will reduce the intensity by as much as 50-60% and focuson refining your form and technique. During a de-load you should never train tofailure. Consider your de-load an active rest cycle.
Examples of a de-load:
Follow your normal workout routine (sets & reps) but decrease the weight usedto about 50-60% of what you normally work out with.
Use the same weight as you normally would, but drop your number of totalvolume (sets x reps) to 50-60% of your normal volume. For example: If I prescribed 5 x 4 (on a regular training day), then 5 x 2 would be your de-loadvolume.
Use light weight and focus on refining your form and technique. (One of myfavorite methods)
A Successful De-Load:
The goal of a de-load is to allow you to become stronger, faster, and bigger, byincorporating a planned “active recovery” phase into your normal workout program.If done correctly, you should be able to make strength and performance increases,regularly, with a reduced risk of injury. It will also serve as a mental and physical break that will preemptively address any recovery issues you may have.
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