Isochiral Music – Gamma Peak State
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Isochiral Music – Gamma Peak State [1 MP3]
A gamma wave is a pattern of neural oscillation in humans with a frequency between 25 to 100 Hz though 40 Hz is typicalExperiments on Tibetan Buddhist monks have shown a correlation between transcendental mental states and gamma waves.
Firstly, A 2004 study took eight long-term Tibetan Buddhist practitioners of meditation and, Secondly, Thirdly, using electrodes, monitored the patterns of electrical activity produced by their brains as they meditated.
Fourthly, The researchers compared the brain activity of the monks to a group of novice meditators (the study had these subjects meditate an hour a day for one week prior to empirical observation).
Then, In a normal meditative state, both groups show to have similar brain activity.
However, when the monks told to generate an objective feeling of compassion during meditation, their brain activity began to fire in a rhythmic, coherent manner, suggesting neuronal structures were firing in harmony.
This was observe at a frequency of 25–40 Hz, the rhythm of gamma waves. These gamma-band oscillations in the monk’s brain signals were the largest saw in humans. Conversely, these gamma-band oscillations were scant in novice meditators.
Though, a number of rhythmic signals did appear to strengthen in beginner meditators with further experience in the exercise, implying that the aptitude for one to produce gamma-band rhythm is trainableSuch evidence and research in gamma-band oscillations explains the heightened sense of consciousness, bliss, and intellectual acuity subsequent to meditation.
Notably, meditation is knew to have a number of health benefits: stress reduction, mood elevation, and increased life expectancy of the mind and its cognitive functions.
How Does it Work?
Accurately calibrated music synthesis software has been used to create the exact isochronic beat frequencies required to induce the 40 Hz Gamma Peak State as is commonly observed in meditating Tibetan monks.
Experimenting through the whole range of gamma waves (from 25 – 100 Hz) it was found that a combination of isochronic frequencies consistently caused a complete shift in consciousness with a sustainable peak of brainwave activity at 40 Hz. This phenomenon allows us to repeat the trancsendental states at will and with minimal practice.
The programme lasts for 60 minutes and has a fantastic success rate.
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