Module 1: Connect With Your Imagination, Vitality & Joy With the Help of Your Animal Spirits and Your Magical Inner Child
Those who know have wings.
— Pancavimsa Brahmana
Your inner child is a master of dreams and imagination who knows the magic of making things up. Your inner child engages effortlessly in the deep play that generates creative ideas without regard for consequences.
Maybe you lost contact with your inner child as you started to grow up and the adult world trod on your dreams…
As the course begins, Robert will guide you to bring your inner child’s energy and joy and imagination into your current life.
You’ll also connect with your animal spirits and bird allies who will reassure you that you are safe and you are fun, and will be your guides and psychic guardians in the journeys that lie ahead.
Module 2: Visit the Dream Cinema & Have More Fun in the Twilight Zone — and Grasp a Deeper Logic of Life’s Events
One’s values are profoundly changed when he is finally convinced that creation is only a vast motion picture, and that not in it, but beyond it, lies his own reality.
— Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi
A century ago, Yogananda played with the metaphor that ordinary reality is a movie whose script and production crew are generally unseen.
Today, a popular metaphor has us living inside a complex video game, or computer-generated simulation. This is the stuff of scientific speculation as well as science fiction…
As Robert will explain, these metaphors prompt us to think about how we should look at the life roles we’re playing — and get behind the screen to grasp a deeper logic of events.
Module 3: Grow Your Practice of Shamanic Lucid Dreaming to Explore New Possibilities for Your Life & Cultivate New Wisdom
Dreams are the news the soul gives us when it returns to the body.
— Kwakiutl elder to anthropologist Franz Boas
Most Indigenous traditions believe that dreaming is traveling — we make visits and receive visitations…
This was probably the view of all our early ancestors, and as Robert will explain, to this day it’s still true to the lived experience of Active Dreamers everywhere.
Robert will guide you to confirm that your personal dreams and images are your best portals for travel into the deeper reality, and your royal road to lucid dreaming…
A dream is a journey; it is also a place. You went somewhere in your dream, near or far from the fields you know in your regular life. Because you’ve been to that place, you can find your way there again.
Module 4: Visit Your Temple of Dream Healing to Understand the Spiritual Causes of Illness & Wellness
Great to humanity, soother of cruel suffering… You are welcomed, Master. By this song I beseech you.
— Homeric Hymn to Asklepios
Your dreams open paths that go beyond diagnosis to spontaneous healing.
Dreams now give us what Robert calls MRIs and x-rays of your physical and emotional health. They call us to understand the spiritual causes of wellness and illness and draw on transpersonal energies to heal yourself and others.
Pilgrims came from all over the Greco-Roman world to the temples of Asklepios in the hope of healing. In the Celtic world, dream seekers trooped to the precinct of the goddess Sequana with the same intent.
Module 5: Connect to Your Trees of Belonging & Follow Your Life’s Songlines to Make Better Choices for Your Future
You walk in the Speaking Land.
— Aboriginal saying
Aboriginal tradition holds that our lives may follow a dreaming track, or songline…
As Robert will explain, the word songline is used to describe the dreamways of the land, as sensed by those who are fully attuned to the land and its dreamings.
Aboriginal tradition also teaches us that those who can hear the inner songs of the land can cross a thousand miles of desert without maps.
When they follow those trails, they’re aware that everywhere they stop is a place of spirit, and engagement with the Speaking Land. A songline, in the life of an individual, is a path in life on which our soul’s trajectory meets the spirits of the land.
Module 6: Keys to the Third Kingdom — Meet Other Members of Your Soul Family Across Time & Space
When you learn that there exists a world with dimension and extension other than the world of the senses… a world of innumerable cities, do not hastily cry “lie,” because the pilgrims of the spirit succeed in contemplating this world and they find there every object of their desire.
— Suhrawardi
When we call something “imaginary,” we usually mean it’s something other than real.
Yet, poets and mystics have always known that the world of imagination is a real world, a third kingdom between the physical universe and the higher realms of spirit — and that it’s possible to travel there and bring back extraordinary gifts…
The medieval Sufi philosophers called this world the Alam al-Mithal, or Imaginal Realm.
Robert will invite you to journey to a marvelous locale in the Imaginal Realm called the House of Time. It offers many ways to meet other members of your soul family across time and space, and consult with master teachers.
Module 7: Soul Growing in the Many Worlds — Understand the Nature of the Multidimensional Self to Gain a Clearer Perspective of Your Life’s Issues
The soul has the ability to conform to her character the destiny that is allotted to her.
— Plotinus, Enneads
Your deepening practice may lead you to discover that your personalities in other places and times with whom you are connected are all living right now — and that the actions each of you take in your current life affects all the others…
This goes far beyond ideas about “past lives” and reincarnation. It’s your key to understanding the nature of the multidimensional self and to growing your soul identity in the multiverse.
As this course comes to a close, you may discover that your most important life guide is no stranger, but a self on a higher level… what the Sufis describe beautifully as the “soul of the soul.”
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