Learn how to pinpoint specific dysfunctions and weaknesses present in the musculoskeletal system through Advanced Soft Tissue Techniques. Gain the ability to employ potent advanced methods for soft tissue manipulation in order to restore functionality for your patients.
Who exactly is John Gibbons? The Body Master Method Diploma was conceived by John Gibbons. Having lectured to post-graduate professionals globally, he imparts his extensive experience to mold them into experts in their respective fields. The courses are crafted based on his accumulated knowledge as a writer, osteopath, researcher, and lecturer.
This course is a testament to his years of expertise. Initially, he acquaints you with diverse soft tissue methods such as myofascial release, soft tissue release, trigger point therapy, muscle energy techniques, and positional release. Once this comprehension is achieved, he guides you through a ‘soft tissue journey,’ combining theoretical and practical demonstrations that utilize functional testing procedures for the postural muscles, which tend to become persistently tight and dysfunctional. Additionally, you’ll acquire the know-how to apply specific techniques to rectify these malfunctioning muscles and reinstate normalcy while alleviating pain.
Join John Gibbons for Advanced Soft Tissue Techniques Introduction to soft tissue techniques Understanding myofascial slings and crucial muscle relationships Exploring Janda’s crossed syndromes and muscle imbalances Examining phasic muscles and posture Delving into the theories of myofascial release (MFR) and soft tissue release (STR) Understanding trigger points, strain counter-strain (SCS), positional release (PR), and muscle energy techniques (METs) Assessment and treatment of upper limb, lower limb musculature, and the spinal column Advanced soft tissue techniques for the cervical spine Advanced soft tissue techniques for the shoulder and thoracic spine complex
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