Module 1: Free Yourself From the Holding Patterns of Bodily Trauma to Create Space for Holistic Physical & Emotional Healing
In this session, you’ll gain a solid understanding of the effects that physical trauma has on your body and the guarding that takes place around that.
You’ll learn how physical trauma takes root in the body, how to address the habituated pattern of held trauma… and how to come out of it by exploring the principles and strategies of embodying somatic awareness.
You’ll explore a new context for health and how to create the circumstances that allow healing to take place.
Brian will also guide you on a journey to release this habituation through an embodied clinical somatic movement practice, awareness, and meditations.
Module 2: Embody the Muscle of the Soul to Release Trauma, Empower Self-Regulation and Increase Pleasure & Wellbeing
You’ll explore the one area of the body that holds tremendous power over your stress reflexes and their debilitating effects: the iliopsoas muscle group, which is also called the muscle of the soul.
This is the place where much of your trauma and history is stored. When it’s working, unburdened by stress and trauma, it enables you to be free in all ways — mind, body, heart, and soul.
You’ll also continue to explore the trauma reflex and learn how emotional trauma can be held in the body and the core. By addressing your center and how it relates to your back, you’ll learn how to free the upper back and neck as it connects to the head.
Brian will also guide you through a somatic awareness journey to discover the deep muscle that flexes the trunk (part of the bending muscle group)… and share how to embody it as a sense organ — just as the tongue is a muscle and a sense organ of taste.
In doing so, you’ll begin to shift the narrative of the iliopsoas from a muscle to a sense organ — and an organ of pleasure.
Module 3: Calm Your Startle Reflex to Sense Held Patterns of Pain, Fear & Anxiety, Reclaim Muscle & Joint Mobility, and Experience Rejuvenation
Continual low-level anxiety is a significant issue regarding health and how you hold pain in your body. The stress response of anxiety not only affects hormones but also your muscles and joints.
You’ll address this pattern of fear and anxiety, and be led through an embodied clinical practice to come out of it.
Brian will also share an embodied awareness practice for returning to a neutral place within yourself to regain normal function when wrought with anxiety.
Module 4: Free Your Startle Reflex to Release Your Breathing Muscles and Activate Your Fluid Body & Its Embryonic Forces of Self-Healing
You’ll continue to explore the stress of the startle reflex this module and how it affects your breathing, beginning with a somatic journey to release the muscles involved in breathing.
You’ll learn how physical breath moves you… and through that process come to know the “fluid body.”
From an osteopathic biodynamic viewpoint, the fluid body contains the embryonic forces that developed you while in the womb — and that heal you as an adult.
You’ll also explore the relationship between the physical body, the physical breath, and the ebb and flow of the fluid body, which is responsible for self-healing.
Module 5: Release the Patterns of Your Go, Go, Go Reflex to Liberate Yourself From Habituated Pain in Your Back Muscles
Be guided through a powerful embodied clinical practice to release the stress response that’s related to fight: your go, go, go reflex.
Brian will also guide you through a somatic journey to free the habituated contraction of your back muscles and overarching of the lower back — and share how you can come out of this debilitating extension pattern to regain flexibility, mobility, and greater ease and freedom.
When this group of muscles (called the unbending muscles) is unconsciously held over time, the lower back becomes habitually arched… and in time, causes lower back pain.
You’ll also learn how to embody the front of your spine as a reference point — a place you can move from and experience life from… and return to as the midline of your rightful embodied home.
Module 6: Move From Your Somatic Center to Enhance Felt Physical Freedom in Your Body
In the previous clinical practices, you released the muscles of bending (front trunk muscles), unbending (muscles of the back), and the side muscles. Now you’re primed to explore turning or rotation.
In this module, you’ll explore how to apply the strategies of somatic movement to turning while in a seated position.
Brian teaches that as you learn to move the whole of you (and especially the pelvis) while turning, you’ll experience a whole new level of freedom.
You’ll also continue the theme of differentiating the fluid energy body from the physical body.
Module 7: Access Your Authentic Self-Energy to Build Resilience & Embody Vibrant Health Within Your System
In this session, you’ll combine all you’ve learned: embodied awareness, how to create the circumstances for self-healing, how to work with your fluid body, and more… to activate your body’s true capacity for self-healing and self-regulation.
Brian will share why leading with your authentic self is key to embodied health, and the importance of building resilience through self-practice, self-care, and a sense of deep integration and wholeness.
You’ll also come home to your embodied way of being and truly find your authentic self… and from that place, lead with compassion and love.
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