Muscle Energy Techniques elucidate the identification of specific dysfunction in soft tissues and weakness within the musculoskeletal system, demonstrating the restoration of function for patients.
Regarding John Gibbons… The Bodymaster Method Diploma, devised by John Gibbons, has been utilized for years to educate post-graduate professionals globally, fostering their development into the preferred therapists in their regions. Rooted in my experiences as an osteopath, writer, researcher, and lecturer, my courses deviate from conventional university teachings. While university instruction typically centers on examining the pain site, performing hands-on therapy, and applying eccentric loading to tissues, the Bodymaster method instructs practitioners on viewing their clients holistically, considering more than just the pain site.
Muscle Energy Techniques with John Gibbons Exploration of muscle dysfunction and function Utilization of a case study to identify muscular imbalances Distinction between tonic and phasic muscles The Outer Core unit A succinct introduction to myofascial slings Analysis of the Gait Cycle and its correlation to the lower and upper extremities Examination of length in the lower and upper limb, trunk, and pelvis Application of specific MET modalities for treating hypertonic muscles Execution of MET techniques for the upper limb, lower limb, trunk, and pelvis Discussion on muscle firing patterns Understanding the relationship between Gmax, Gmed, and lower/upper limb pain Assessment of Muscle weakness through testing
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