Module 1: Three Essential Strategies for Protection & Spiritual Empowerment on Your Spiritual Journey
Dr. Bloom will share the three critical skills for achieving this crucial empowerment.
You’ll learn to open and close your energy field, call in the spirits who empower, support, and protect you, and connect to Source, Great Spirit, or whatever name you use for It.
As you’ll discover during the course, these strategies are the foundation for safe and effective metaphysical work and spiritual growth.
Module 2: Understanding Your 3 Sacred Temples — Body, Earth & Heaven — for Empowerment, Strength & Knowing Your True Place in the Universe
The concept and experience of sacred space and temples are deeply ingrained in all spiritual and shamanic traditions.
Dr. Bloom will explain how you can recognize, sense, and create sacred space, which is absolutely necessary for your effective awareness and working with subtle energies.
As he’ll share, your body, the Earth, and the cosmos are interdependently linked through subtle energies and elemental life forms. You are stardust — as well as earthly and human matter.
You’ll learn why grounding, centering, and embodiment are so important, and why all temples are oriented to their geographical location.
Module 3: Harness the Power of Oracles, Dreams & Readings — Interpret Messages From Subtle Beings for Healing of the Mind, Body, and Spirit
Interpreting messages from subtle dimensions is among the greatest gifts of spiritual practitioners.
Dr. Bloom will guide you to explore and clarify the map, ecology, and dynamics of this wonderful and complex world.
Once you appreciate the weird complexity of the inner worlds, you can develop a genuinely wise awareness and interpretation.
He’ll also share the different levels and frequencies of energy. For example, emotional and astral vibrations are very different from higher intuitive and spiritual energies.
You’ll also explore the important differences between human and deva (the Hindu word for beings of the angel world) spirits, and the patterns of probability that transcend the normal sense of time and space.
Module 4: Cooperate With Angels, Nature Spirits & Archetypes to Enhance & Improve Every Part of Your Life
An entire stream of evolution and spirits operates alongside the natural and human world.
In all cultures throughout history, shamans, healers, priests, mystics, and empaths have worked with these beings as a normal part of a healthy spiritual life.
Dr. Bloom will guide you through core concepts and practices for cooperating with this realm. It’s relevant to all aspects of your life — health, relationships, art, work, community building, home, and spiritual development.
You’ll learn about the many ways devas appear in different cultures — and examine their underlying similarities, natures, and crucial purposes in the fabric of life
Module 5: Connect With the Universal Energies of Positive Development & Healing to Invoke a Blessing for Individual Wellbeing & Global Harmony
In this session that coincides with the Summer or Winter Solstice (depending on the hemisphere in which you live), Dr. Bloom will guide you to practice the great spiritual art of invoking and radiating a supreme blessing out into the world for individual and collective well-being.
You’ll also experience the spiritual craft of attuning to, opening up, and channeling higher energies. As you’ll discover, this can be a truly blissful experience.
Dr. Bloom will take you through the process of identifying your highest values and aspirations, and how to use them to connect with the great spirits who are always there to heal and support humanity — including Christ, Mary, Buddha, Krishna, Kuan Yin, and other divine avatars.
Module 6: Create a Life of Wellbeing, Prosperity & Fulfillment With the Principles of Manifestation, Magnetic Attraction & Sympathetic Magic
Dr. Bloom will guide you to dive deep into the laws and dynamics of manifestation. You’ll learn how manifestation influences your life — and how you can influence these dynamics.
You’ll learn how manifestation’s laws and dynamics are connected to your soul’s journey, your karma, and your purpose — and how its unconscious and unseen forces influence your life.
You’ll explore the underlying principle that like attracts like, and how it’s therefore crucial to appreciate the actual forces — seen and unseen — that are influencing and manifesting through you.
Module 7: Call in & Be Supported by Specific Energies & Spirits to Improve, Transform & Fulfill Your Life’s Purpose
Fabricating an object that’s filled with an archetypal vibration is among a spiritual energy worker’s greatest gifts.
The vibration of this object can then help you develop and strengthen your own inner vibration for your improved personal growth and fulfillment.
For example, this is one reason people wear symbols like the Christian cross, Islamic hand, or Wicca star — or carry medicine bags filled with precious objects.
You’ll create your own talisman of strength, empowerment, and protection — while invoking a powerful blessing of unconditional love and compassion for yourself and all beings.
This talisman will integrate the work, learning, and wisdom you’ve cultivated over the previous six sessions.
Dr. Bloom will share how, by working with companions and allies from the invisible dimensions, you can attune to the quality of vibration.
You can invoke and channel this resonance into your talisman, which is then placed appropriately in your aura and on your body.
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