Richard J.Davis – Confirmatory Analysis Finding Winning Stocks

Richard J.Davis – Confirmatory Analysis Finding Winning Stocks

Richard J.Davis – Confirmatory Analysis Finding Winning Stocks

Richard J.Davis – Confirmatory Analysis Finding Winning Stocks

Price: $25

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Confirmatory Analysis®: Finding Winning Stocks is the collaborative effort of three individuals who met through an internet investing group. The internet allowed members of this group from around the world to meet and share ideas virtually during a time when access to credible equity information was scarce. This book explains how the authors met and developed their techniques for investing. Confirmatory Analysis® is the result of years of investigating the behavior of stocks, and time proven financial research.In addition to outlining an innovative investing strategy, a new financial ratio tool, dubbed PFT ELS®, is introduced as a method of analyzing and comparing companies for productivity, as well as introducing the beginning investor to Internet resources such as One Page Research® () and book unfolds complex investing principles and attempts to explain them in easy to understand terms, phrases, and examples intended for the beginning investor wishing to harness the vast potential of the Internet. In simple terms, stock screening and researching volatile technology stocks for investing are also explained in separate chapters. The examples and strategies explained in this book are intended for the beginning to intermediate investor wishing to make a successful long-term investment decisions.

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