From the Desk of Garrett Gunderson
Tuesday May 7th, 2019

Would you like to take control of your financial future?

Would you like to have total confidence in all your money and investing decisions?

And would you like to be able to live a wealthy lifestyle right now — without impacting your financial security?

If you answered “yes” to any of these important questions, I urge you to read this important letter.

In every paragraph you read below, I’ll be revealing financial wisdom learned from thousands of books… and gained from hundreds of thousands of hours of practice … and used by the world’s best business owners and most successful investors.

I realize those are bold statements. So let me explain where they come from…

It all starts with our Wealth Factory mission to help one million people reach Economic Independence by 2020.

What Is Economic Independence?

Economic Independence is when you have enough cash inflows to support the lifestyle you want, and that doesn’t require you to actively work.

Some people call this “financial freedom” and refer to the way to get there as “passive income.”

But as you’ll see, Economic Independence is more robust, more focused and more easily reached.

Why Is This So Important?

Money decisions can oftentimes be confusing and stressful…

And if you want to be able to do the things you love… and take care of the people you love… and not have to worry about where the money will come from, then it’s important you understand this simple truth: none of this will happen by itself.

Too many financial advisors try to get you to defer all the “good stuff” until retirement. They tell you to take money out of your life now and hope that it turns into a big pile of cash you can use and enjoy later.

They urge you to invest in things you don’t understand. And when it doesn’t work out? They assure you that “you’re in it for the long haul” and things will even out in the long run.

The Old Ways Are Not Working

Multiple studies have proven that this “accumulation method” of retirement planning is not working.

The most recent report says 78% of retirees do not have enough money “saved up” to retire on. They either have to curtail their dreams, delay retirement, or must keep working just to make ends meet.

This Isn’t Just About Retirement

This is about living wealthy now and enjoying life along the way.

Most people in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s think they have to make huge sacrifices now in order to secure their future.

So they scrimp and save, sacrifice and delay, and never take time off. As if “working harder” is somehow going to fix it all.

You already know it just adds more pressure.

Which is why even the most successful business owners constantly stress about money.

It’s easy to fall into this trap if you don’t have the financial clarity that a proven wealth architecture provides.

Because the fact is…

If You Want to Build Wealth — And Build It Fast — You Need A Financial Game Plan That’s Tailored To You And Your Strengths

If you want to be less stressed out about money and enjoy your life more right now, you want a financial game plan that:

  1. Focuses on cash flow instead of accumulation
  2. Shows you where to invest based on your unique Investor DNA instead of blindly allowing Wall Street to control your life
  3. And allows you to enjoy your wealth right now without impacting your future security

At Wealth Factory, This Is What We Do

First, we give you a game plan — which is like a financial blueprint — that’s uniquely tailored to you and your specific situation.

Then we give you the tools, technologies and strategies to start getting immediate results.

Finally, we connect you to an integrated financial team to make sure you succeed.

And it all starts by following…

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The 5 Levers To Economic Independence

This is a proven method that allows you to take control of your financial future and live a wealthy lifestyle you know you deserve — right now.

The 5 levers (described in detail below) give you complete financial control.

No longer are you going to be at the whim of Wall Street, or poor money decisions, or a bad economy — all those things that have plagued your pocketbook in the past.

Getting your finances in order not only improves your cash flow — think of what it will do for the relationships you have with others.

We’ve seen spouses cry because they are finally on the same page and no longer fighting about money.

It will be a good example for your children. It will earn you the respect of your co-workers. And it will also inspire others who want to gain Economic Independence too.

Get Started Now 

Tested And Proven By 8,876 Real Life Business Owners

So if you’ve been successful making money, but haven’t been very good at keeping or managing it — you can’t settle for staying the same. What message would that be sending to those you love most?

The good news is, once you’ve put our cash flow principles to use — when you’re finished — you’ll be able to look in the mirror and say “I did it!”

So where’s the best place to get these cash flow principles and put these 5 levers to Economic Independence to work in your life?

Introducing Curriculum For Wealth

Curriculum for Wealth is our flagship, step-by-step course that takes you by the hand through each of the 5 levers of creating and preserving Economic Independence.

It helps people manufacture Economic Independence in a simple, yet effective way, often in as little as 2-7 years.

So instead of dreaming about “financial freedom” in 20 or 30 years, this helps you live the life you love right now.

Not Just Dreams…Reality

“Financial freedom” is a vague goal many have, but most people have no idea exactly what it means, and no working plan to actually get there.

At Wealth Factory, we believe Economic Independence is not just something to dream about.

The step by step plan you get in Curriculum for Wealth provides the tools, strategies and guidance to make it happen as quickly as you want.

We’ve seen people reach Economic Independence in as little as 2 years. Three to seven years is more common, and it all depends on where you’re starting from and how all-in you go.

Get Started Now 

Here’s What You Get With Your Order Today…

When you order Curriculum for Wealth today, you get instant access to all the lessons, full written transcripts, executive summaries and notes, plus downloadable audio formats of every lesson to match your learning style.

I distilled a career’s worth of business, personal finance and investing knowledge into these lessons.

The result is a streamlined, step-by-step system that builds your own personalized framework for creating wealth and manufactures Economic Independence as fast as possible.

Here’s a peek at what you’ll see inside the member’s area immediately after you place your order:

Lever 1: Recover Cash Flow

Lever 1: Recover Cash Flow: Cash Recovery Overview, Cash Flow Optimization, Terrifying Tax Traps, Cash FLow Banking, Cash Recovery Toolkit

Lever 2: Strategically Engineer Wealth

Lever 2: Financial Scorecard, Economic Independence, Strengths Based Investing, Advanced Financial Strategies, Wealth Architecture

Lever 3: Accelerate Investment Income

Lever 3: Wealth Frameworks, Invest In What You Know, Financial Foundation, Insure Quality Of Life, Make Your Money Work For You

Lever 4: Scale Business Revenue

Lever 4: Stupid Human Trick, Create The Game, Revenue Leverage Points, The Next Next Level, The Social Mission

Lever 5: Make It Count

Lever 5: The Shift, The Second Half, Changing The Scorecard, Soul Purpose, Rockefeller Method

Get Started Now 

Each of those “cards” you see above is one of the steps you get for your journey to Economic Independence.

And this is not just about “theory,” because…

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