Love Yourself Telecourse by Release Technique
**More information:
Get Love Yourself Telecourse by Release Technique at
1 teleconference a week, 2 hours each session:
Held for six consecutive Mondays at 5:30pm – 7:30pm (Pacific)
(6:30pm – 8:30pm Mountain; 7:30pm – 9:30pm Central; 8:30pm – 10:30pm Eastern)
Also available in the European Time zone!
Monday starting at 9:30am (Pacific) which is 5:30pm (UK Time).
All other times are the same as above.
We recently asked ourselves “would it be possible to give all of our graduates a gift that would ensure them real love in every aspect of their lives?”
The answer was clear, we would need to pull out all the stops. So, for six weeks we will be conducting an amazing telecourse each consecutive Monday!
We ask you…
Would be interested in finding out how to bring love to every relationship you have?
Would you like to raise your happiness and confidence level easily just as Lester did?
Would you like to say goodbye to arguing, stress and conflict and restore peace and sanity in your life?
Would you like to learn a step by step program that will show you how to have everyone in your life cooperate and be in harmony with them without having to raise your voice ever?
Bring love to every relationship just as Lester did!
No matter what you answered, I want you to know that every step of the way we will be coaching you to reach into your very core to find the best part of you and help you get rid of your blocks and enable you to experience having total love in your life!
Here’s what you get:
- The Teachers doing the telecourse each Monday for 6 consecutive weeks, helping you knock out your non-loving feelings and limitations.
- An all new powerful workbook custom designed to help you have the loving lifestyle that you deserve.
- Archived recordings of the telecourses so you can play them back at your convenience.
- A releasing partner to help you focus.
- Access to our support line for releasing assistance.
Learn Lester’s secret to bringing love to every relationship!
This course will show you how to do it, how to love yourself and reap the rewards financially, health-wise and in your relationships and to accomplish whatever your heart desires. You can have it all when you know how to love yourself. As Lester frequently said, “there are no impossibles when one is totally loving.” This course is a manual of love from Lester. He dedicated his life to showing people what love is, how to be loving, and how that translates to success in every area of your life.
Let The Other Person Have It Your Way
When you are loving, people come your way. They give you what you want. They may not know why, but they feel something special about you. They want to let you have it your way. They’re compelled by love. They feel the power of love. In this course, you will learn how to let the other person have it your way. You will learn, when you give love, when you are loving, the entire world comes your way.
What would you like to have? You can have that and more if you learn to love yourself.
What would you like to do? You can do that and more if you learn to love yourself.
What would you like to be? You can be that and more if you learn to love yourself.
Love yourself and for you nothing is impossible.
When you learn about love, you will find that you have the most powerful tool available to you all the time.
- Love is the answer.
- Love is healing.
- Love is transforming.
- Love resolves.
- Love is curative.
- Love can repair anything or anyone.
- Love is strength.
- Love is power.
- Love is the solution.
- Love is the answer.
When you learn to love yourself, the world is yours.
When you learn to love yourself, you live in the highest energy.
When you learn to love yourself, you live in the highest feeling possible.
When you learn to love yourself, you can have everything. You can have everything and anything even if it might seem unattainable to you right now. The world comes your way when you love yourself. People come your way. Money comes your way. Health comes your way. Success comes your way. Happiness comes your way. Everything in your life works perfectly when you love yourself.
In order to participate, your discounted tuition for attending is just $895. You can even have a payment plan—just pay $495 upon registering and then pay the additional $400 the next month. We’re so confident that this course will work for you, and as a result, that will give you enough time to have your personal problems all cleared up before you make the last payment. If you wish to pay in full, in one payment, the price is $695 (a $200 savings).
Space is limited! If you are ready to be done with fighting your way through life and you are interesting in learning to Love Yourself, don’t procrastinate and lose out on this opportunity—it is a one-time event! The question is, “Are you ready to get what you really deserve in a matter of weeks—not years?” If yes, sign up NOW!
Amazing Love & Relationships Gains
Creates $58,000 with Ease
“Wonderful releasing depth and surrenders this week, I realize I am ALWAYS gaining value towards freedom every time I release, I can discriminate past behavior with clarity and let go of the “beating myself up” knowing I am on the correct path. Acceptance and love for myself and my ego.
Joy welling up inside constantly today, decisions made that in the past would be very indecisive are easy, clear, and no Attachments/Aversions.
In the face of sheer chaos I look within myself and love out, there is no greater knowing that I have it all, and this is just a picture out there in front of me, when you achieve this experience, this game becomes extraordinarily fun.
I created $58,000 today. In looking back, I had subtle thoughts of it, but always let go. The surrender is key, give up, quit allowing your mind to run you, your thoughts. The peace, love, everywhere presence, and knowing is sooooooo much more enjoyable. There is no comparison, there is no going back, as the whole pie must taste even better.
I lovingly experience my day thru witness, interacting with the picture, from my beingness, knowing that no one can harm me or make me unsafe, or take love away from me nor take control. They may present an illusion to this effect but my knowing is too strong now.”
Experiences Oneness
“Wow! Yesterday’s calls were great! Last night’s segment with Joe felt like being wrapped up in a cocoon. It was a fabulous feeling of imperturbability. When you experience oneness you feel the love with all. I slept soundly all night long. I am experiencing now how the process of releasing all attachment to any belief is healing.”
Turns Ego & Selfishness into Loving
“Two important aspects that produced huge gains for me were doing the pride exercise everyday and letting go of the aversion to change, completely. The first turned ego selfishness into loving selflessness. The second turned “I can’t” into “I can,” “I have,” and best of all “I am” (abundance, imperturbability).”
Big Money Gains & Husband Recovers from Brain Hemorrhage
“Since beginning the Release Technique about two years ago, I have had a continuing series of gains in health and a real sense of calm and joy. Releasing helped my husband recover completely from a brain hemorrhage in January. He lost a software development contracting opportunity while he was ill but it was replaced by a better opportunity for more money per hour. I’ve also gained new customers for my business.
Recently, I have been working to increase the size of my financial gains and had two wonderful events occur. 1.) An issue that had occurred with my medical insurance was cleared up and the company agreed to pay their full amount on a $35,000 charge. Instead of owing over $16,000 to the medical provider, I will only need to pay $3,900. 2.) Also I was notified that a company I used to work for has decided to allow former employees, who would be eligible for a pension at age 65, to take the entire amount now if they so choose. I have about $29,000 coming that I can roll into an IRA. This was totally unexpected! I am truly grateful.”
Releases on Son’s Illness & Feels Better
“Since my son has had ‘sleepy spells’ I have noticed that I started to fear the worst. I have been releasing every day and seeing my son as healthy. I feel very much at peace today and am able to feel in control again and feel the security I seemed to let slip through my fingers as I felt a PTSD type of syndrome which is normal when this type of diagnosis happens with a child. I will continue to release and release even more every second until he is all better. Seeing him as healthy and feeling imperturbable feels like a huge weight has life’s off my shoulders and the sadness has passed. Who knows what good things will come but I know my goals will be obtained any minute now.”
Better and Better at Love
“I noticed that I do not desire sugar as I have in the past. I also noticed that it feels better to eat far less and not feel full. These were not conscious decisions, but observations of my behavior. As a result I have more energy and can focus with greater clarity. Life seems to be lot easier. Situations take care of themselves and I am not needed to control them or even be concerned about them. I know they will work out with the best possible outcome.
I have to laugh when speaking to customer service reps, for example, over the last three weeks. There couldn’t be more pleasant, courteous or helpful people on the planet. It’s amazing when you send anyone love before an interaction.”
- The willingness to show up and have the strongest intention to participate at the fullest for 6 weeks to do this transformational work.
- The ability to block time for this amazing program.
- Your intention to stay committed to the process and have a “whatever it takes” attitude to achieve your goals.
Health and Medical course
More information about Medical:
Medicine is the science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.
Contemporary medicine applies biomedical sciences, biomedical research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and disease,
typically through pharmaceuticals or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints and traction, medical devices, biologics, and ionizing radiation, amongst others.
Medicine has been around for thousands of years, during most of which it was an art (an area of skill and knowledge) frequently having connections to the religious and
philosophical beliefs of local culture. For example, a medicine man would apply herbs and say prayers for healing, or an ancient philosopher and physician would apply bloodletting according to the theories of humorism.
In recent centuries, since the advent of modern science, most medicine has become a combination of art and science (both basic and applied, under the umbrella of medical science).
While stitching technique for sutures is an art learned through practice, the knowledge of what happens at the cellular and molecular level in the tissues being stitched arises through science.
Get Love Yourself Telecourse by Release Technique at
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