Sound-Healing Circle of Wonder & Delight With Jeralyn Glass
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Join Professor Jeralyn Glass twice monthly in a joyful, replenishing sound-bath experience to absorb her profound insights and the transporting vibrations of her singing bowls — for nourishing self-care, community connection, and access to your fully authentic self.
If you’ve attended even just one of Jeralyn Glass’ sound baths and felt the warm, smooth sounds of her Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® washing over you…
… you’ve already experienced their deeply calming vibrations resonating throughout your whole system.
Imagine what kind of long-lasting, soulful transformation might occur for you if you were to immerse yourself in Jeralyn’s profoundly healing symphonies of sound every couple of weeks…
… while sharing this otherworldly experience with a harmonious community of seekers who are walking the same sacred path of self-discovery, evolution, and joy.
We’re thrilled to offer this wonder-filled new membership program to our global Shift community, and confident that you’ll experience measurable shifts as Jeralyn guides you on a journey of transformation and self-love through her exquisite sound baths — blessing and embracing you as you move toward greater trust, equanimity, and authenticity.
Her intention is to create the feel of wonder and play in each session. Imagine a group of friends gathering together to relax, play, and share in a space of warmth, comfort, and safety…
Jeralyn has curated a series of themes for each meeting, in which you’ll encounter something surprising, exciting, and new — whether it’s the presence of a guest faculty, the arrangement of a beautiful mandala in her studio, the spontaneous pull of an oracle card, a color palette for the bowls she chooses to play, or some other unexpected delight.
She has the brilliant capacity to tap into the energetic field of a group… composing her sound baths in the moment to meet each person where they are — so that everyone receives the nurturing and healing they need.
This membership program is different from any of the previous courses Jeralyn has offered with The Shift Network — not only in its frequency and duration, but in that every session presents an opportunity for deep connection with your community…
… with every member contributing their own intention and in-the-moment experience, adding an ingredient to the alchemical “soup” of each sound bath to create a shared container of softening, insight, and meaning.
And, every time you meet, you’ll walk away with a sense of whole-being relaxation, regeneration, and inspiration.
Jeralyn will create a different sort of magic in each session… no two will be alike. At the beginning of each gathering, she’ll present a sacred intention for the week’s alchemical circle. The resulting LIVE sound bath will then spontaneously take shape based on the energy of those participating that day.
The cost for this special program is only $49 per month. And, if you don’t absolutely love the Sound-Healing Circle of Wonder & Delight With Jeralyn Glass, you can cancel your membership before the next billing cycle begins.
Jeralyn will close each session in a unique and impactful way, to amplify the beauty and energy experienced during the sound experience.
Immerse Yourself in the Insights and Sounds of Professor Jeralyn Glass, Beloved Crystal Singing Bowls Sound Healer
Each person has a unique and sacred path to walk in this life. In every session of this membership program, you’ll discover more and more about how you can walk yours with greater integrity and purpose.
Jeralyn’s professional life, which has always involved music, has taken her all over the world, enabling her to contribute a uniquely rich flavor to the sound-healing arena.
In 2015, she lost her only child, Dylan, when he was just 19 years old. Music and the sacred sounds of crystal singing bowls has allowed her to move through this great loss and channel her gift of music into the healing of others.
Join Jeralyn in this groundbreaking program to become your own vessel of sacred sound, embodying the love, beauty, and connection transmitted by the crystalline vibrations — while you explore YOUR personal alchemy to rediscover and feely express the essence of who you truly are.
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